======================================= Getting what you really want, Part Six. ======================================= It had been a couple of weeks since I had really talked to anybody, then out of the blue, Willie called me up. "So what have you been doing lately?" he asked. I paused. "I have been bored as hell. What's going on?" "Been going down to the track quite a bit. The whole gang has, and we've been trying to get a hold of you." "Sorry," I apologized. "I've been in and out, went on a vacation about 3 weeks ago." "I heard about that (like I didn't know who told him). How was it?" "Hot," I told him. It had been 95 degrees, but I think he knew that wasn't what I meant. "So anyway, " he started, "are you going to be there?" "Where?" "At the track!" "Sure, I guess. What time?" "Oh, " he paused, "can you be here about 1 or so?" "I don't have anything to do, sure" 1pm. I was at the track. Dressed in a super-jock, and running around this pitiful little track inside a fenced area with my friends. It wasn't exactly what I had imagined it would be, but it was ok for physical exercise. But I know of more exciting ways to get your heard rapidly beating for a half hour or so. Just about 2pm. All of us, myself, Willie, Tim, Justin, Shawn, and Steve (Aron was out of town), were in my house. Sitting around, talking. "So I want to hear about this little trip of yours and Justin's," Steve started off. I was getting sick of talking about it. I THOUGHT that things like that were more or less personal. But with this crowd, as I had learned, anything can happen. "What can I tell you?" I started for the Who-Knows-How-Manith time. "Justin and I went up, Aron was there, and we did a little screwing around. That's all there is!" Tim whispered over to Steve. "I bet Aron overtook him." "HE DID NOT!", I yelled. That quieted everybody down. And I felt bad for having yelled at Tim. I really cared about the guy, he was a good man. And I know he didn't do anything intentional to hurt me. "I have to go," he said getting up. I knew he was just leaving because he was hurt." "Tim, don't go." "No, I really have to." "Tim," I cut him off in conversation. I got up and walked over to him. "Tim, I didn't mean to yell. I was out of line...I'm sorry." He didn't move. But he didn't continue leaving either. I decided to change the subject. "Anyone for something else to drink?" I asked the crowd. Everyone answered at once. I finally just gave up trying to sort out conversational answers, and just went in and pulled out a six pack. I walked back in, and Tim wasn't there. "Where did Tim go?" Everyone pointed toward my bedroom. I finished handing out cans, and walked in. Tim shut the door, and walked over to me. He put his hands around me, and we began to gently kiss. It was small at first, the kind of thing you do when you're not sure what to do. This was a first for both of us, and we were taking it slow. We fell back against the matress, and continued to kiss, building up speed. We slowed, and he began to undress me. I did the same to him. Once fully in the nude, he began to give me a body wash with his tounge. He started from my chest, working my shoulders gently, and moving down, making small, circular motions as he moved down. He reached my nipples, caressing them, and wetting them, making them firm, and ready in attention. He decended lower, gradually to the bottom part of my rib cage, and gently rubbing the stomach. Getting the sides, and making them soft. Lower, to the waistline, and moving down. He caressed my newly grown pubic hair, making it stand erect, as if finely combed. He massaged my testicals, until they were firm, and warm. He moved back up my body, rubbing his stomach against my firm rod. He placed his tounge in my mouth, while continuing to rub, very slowly. I rubbed his shoulders and his back, soft and virtually hairless, and massaged his firm butt. His stomach muscles were caressing my firm lovetool. Letting the heat flow from his body to mine, and back again. Feeling one another melt. I ran my hands through his fine brown hair, feeling the texture as I did so. My body was filled with tension, but very relaxed at the same time. I adjusted his penis to rub against my leg, and the feeling of a warm organ was welcome. He moved with rhythmic motion, like a heartbeat. I began to orgasm, feeling the hot fluid penatrate the bond. He was still moving, letting it rub into my body and his. He was soon to follow, gently massaging my leg with a firm erection. He stopped, and we continued caressing each other, letting ourselves relax. He fell beside me. We were both content. "That...That was incredible," he told me. I watched him say it, and it came out meaning more than most people could ever try to make it mean. "I love you, Tim," I told him. He bent over and kissed me. Out in my living room, things were DEFINITELY a lot wilder than what Tim and I went through. Shawn was on top of Justin on my couch, Willie and Steve were upping each other in my kitchen. I walked in there, still feeling good, and they were wanting me to join in. Somehow, it just didn't seem to be enough anymore. Sure, I could screw with the "gang", go after Aron (who, by the way, was becoming a little bit of a bastard lately), and do all the things that everyone here does, but isn't there more? I walked back in my living room, and sat down with Tim on (of all places) my loveseat. But, who could sit down on the couch with all that bouncing? I watched Tim for a while, and eventually fell back on him. It was like that for the better part of the evening, and when everyone had left, Tim stayed behind. "Some afternoon," I said, sitting down. "You are going to have to buy a deodorant housespray to get rid of the sweat in here." I laughed. "Can you believe them?" I looked over at him. I had a light sitting over by where he was sitting, behind him, and it appeared to make him glow. I watched him for a while, not really wanting anything but to be with him. He stayed the night. ================= Getting7.txt soon ================= >>>>Nick Tails